For a free consultation
(732) 491-5573
-Municipal Law
-Traffic Violations
-NJ DMV Administrative Hearings
-Criminal Defense
-Domestic Violence
No one ever wants to be accused of a criminal offense, whether it is a felony or misdemeanor, for that reason a lawyer is needed to protect your rights. Once you are charged with a crime, you will be up against a prosecution team that is supported by the full power and resources of the local, state, and/or federal government.
Consequently, you will need to hire an aggressive and experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney.
If you are convicted of a criminal offense, the consequences may be dire and life changing. The immediate result of a criminal conviction may include significant fines and court costs, community service, probation, and/or jail time. However, there are also susequent impacts to you for the long term; such as limited employment opportunities. For those individuals who are not United States’ citizens, deportation is a real concern if you are convicted of certain disorderly person offenses or felonious crimes. However, these disorderly persons offenses and crimes listed below may be avoided or minimized if you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Some of the offenses we regularly handle on behalf of our clients include, but are not limited to:
Drug Possession & Drug Paraphernalia
Drug Distribution
Aggravated Assault
Shoplifting, Theft & Forgery
Simple Assault & Aggravated Assault
Child Abuse & Child Neglect
Weapons offenses
Aggravated Manslaughter
Harassment & Terroristic Threats
If you find yourself arrested and charged with a crimial charge, then call us today for a free consultation at (732) 491-5573. The Law Firm is experienced in handling criminal defense matters both felony and disorderly persons offenses throughout the State of New Jersey in both Superior and Municipal Courts. We will provide vigorous representation from beginning to end. Speaking with an experienced criminal defense lawyer is essential to ensure your rights are protected and you are provided the best possible defense.
Must I go to trial? What are pleas?
For those accused of disorderly persons or felony offenses the ultimate objective of our criminal defense lawyers is to get your charges dismissed. However, not all cases should go forward with a trial. In all cases, our lawyers will conduct a thorough and careful review of the evidence. In some case, however, the proofs reveal that the evidence is stacked in the prosecution’s favor, then it may be in your best interest to mitigate the situation and seek the best result possible. In these cases, negotiating a plea agreement with the prosecutor is essential. Christopher J. Grace, Esq. has the experience negotiating plea agreements with prosecutors and his skill and preparation will make the difference for your benefit. This may mean successfully reducing a felony to a misdemeanor, serving probation instead of serving jail time, and overall achieving the most favorably reasonable sentence.
What is a trial?
A trial is usually recommended only when, a plea agreement is not favorable to our clients. Trials are courtroom hearings that will ultimately determine whether a defendant is guilty or not guilty. Some trials are before a jury (for example Superior Court-Law Division) and some trials are presented only before a judge (also known as bench trials usually applied in Municipal Court cases). Each instance requires different tactics and advocacy techniques. Our criminal defense lawyers have represented individuals in criminal cases at all levels and courts, and are well respected by judges, clients, and peers. Christopher J. Grace, Esq. has the experience and ability to argue complex points of law to judges and juries, alike, so that they can understand the issues and return a verdict in your favor.
Last Will and Testament
If you speak to most people, they will admit to not having a will. A will, also called a "last will and testament," can help you protect your family and your property. Especially, if you own real property or noteable tangible property, a will is useful to distribute assets of the estate when you pass as well as enforcing your last requests after death. A will can be used to leave your property to people or organizations; it can name a personal guardian to care for your minor children; it can name a trusted person to manage real property that you leave to minor children; and name an executor. An executor, is a named person who has the responsibility to execute the terms of your will.
Now, what if you die with out a will? What are the ramifications?
Under New Jersey wills and estates law, if you die without a will, your property will be distributed according to state "intestacy" laws. Under the New Jersey intestacy law, the law gives your property to your closest relatives, beginning with your spouse and children. However, in the case that you have neither a spouse nor children, your grandchildren or your parents will get your property. The law exhausts all linear relatives meaning those of your immediate blood family. When there are none, periperal family members are applied and the list continues with increasingly distant relatives, including siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and your spouse's relatives. If the court exhausts this list to find that you have no living relatives by blood or marriage, the state will take your property.
Do I need a lawyer to make a will in New Jersey?
No, but like in most cases you are better off if you had a trained professional attorney handle your will. Analogously, if you needed to expand your electric circuit breaker box, you could try to do so alone, but it probably would be in your best interest and safest to call an electrician to handle the job.
In any case, you may want to consult an attorney because your will might be contested or if you want to disinherit a family member, you should talk with an attorney.
What are the requirements for signing a will in New Jersey?
Under New Jersey law, a will is a complete and final writing when the will is signed in front of two witnesses, and your witnesses are not to be related to you and they must sign your will.
Do I need to have my will notarized?
No, notarization is not required in New Jersey, you do not need to notarize your will to make it legal. However, New Jersey allows you to make your will "self-proving" and you'll need to go to a notary; if you want to do that.
How does a "self-proving" will benefit me?
In New Jersey, a self-proving will speeds up probate because the court can accept the will without contacting the witnesses who signed it. To make your will self-proving you and your witnesses will go to the notary and sign an affidavit that proves who you are and that each of you knew you were signing the will.
Should I use my will to name an executor?
Yes. In New Jersey, you can use your will to name an executor whose responsibility is to execute all provisions of the will and ensure that the provisions in your will are carried out after your death. Now if you do not name an executor, the probate court will appoint someone to take on the job of organizing and distributing your estate.
What is a living will? What is a power of attorney?
A living will, also known as, an advance health care directivel, personal directive, advance directive, or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions should be taken for their health, if they are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity. A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment.
Another form of a personal directive is the power of attorney form or health care proxy, in which the person authorizes a third party or agent to make healthcare decisions on their behalf when they are incapacitated.
A power of attorney can also be signed by a person who authorizes another to make financial decisions on their behalf when the person is incapacitated. These legal documents are better authored by trained attorneys.
The attorneys of the Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC are experienced and trained to be sensitive to your family's requests; while also providing, a professional consultation to effectuate a complete will that covers all specified topics.
In Municipal Court, the most severe traffic violations are driving while intoxicated, and refusal to submit to a breath test in New Jersey. If you are convicted of these offenses, there will be devastating consequences handed out by the Municipal Court. Although in New Jersey, DWI is not considered a criminal misdemeanor like New York, the following severe penalties may be employed depending on the amount of blood alcohol content and the number of prior DWI convictions in NJ and any convictions out of state that are similar to NJ’s minimum blood alcohol standard of .08%.
(In New Jersey, the term DWI is interchangeable with DUI; which is different from other states.)
New Jersey’s fines and penalties for those convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) are severe.
For a First DWI offense, the penalties include:
Fines, surcharges and court costs from $500 - $800
7 to 12 month loss of license
Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for 12 to 48 hours
Up to 30 days in jail
$1,000.00 surcharge from NJ MVC for 3 years
Ignition Interlock device is required is your BAC reading is .15% or higher
For a Second DWI offense, the penalties include:
Fines, surcharges and court costs from $1,000 - $2,000
2 year loss of license
Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for 12 to 48 hours
Community Service for 30 days
Ignition Interlock device is required for your second offense DWI for a period of 1 - 3 years upon restoration of your driving privileges
Jail term from 48 hours up to 90 days
$1,000.00 surcharge from NJ MVC for 3 years
For a Third or Subsequent DWI offense, the penalties include:
Fines, surcharges and court costs from $1,500 - $2,000
10 year loss of license
Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC) for 12 to 48 hours
Ignition Interlock device is required for your second offense DWI for a period of 1 - 3 years upon restoration of your driving privileges
Mandatory Jail term of 180 days, however, 90 days of the jail sentence may be served in a inpatient rehabilitation facility
$1,500 surcharge from NJ MVC for 3 years
In addition to court-imposed penalties, there will be expensive DMV surcharges. For example, you must pay a $1,000.00 surcharge for three consecutive years for a first and second offense, and if you are convicted of a third or more DWI within three years of your last DWI conviction than you will pay $1,500.00 surcharge for three consecutive years. A DWI conviction could also lead to termination from employment, credit issues, military discharges, and revocation of government security clearances.
Our DWI lawyers are greatly knowledgeable in all stages of the DWI plea and trial process. Our lawyers will argue your case and present any relevant defenses on your behalf; we will move to have your entire conviction dismissed; we will fight to keep you out of jail; we will also fight to minimize your exposure to the serious penalties you are facing. We realize that if most people lose their license for an extended period of time, they may lose their job. In New Jersey, there are no conditional driver’s license’s based on need or hardship like in other states like New York.
Contact our DWI Lawyers immediately if you have been arrested for driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated. You can call our office anytime at (732) 491-5573. If we are not available, please leave a message, and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Depending on the age and category of the driver, different Blood Alcohol Limits will apply.
The BAC limit for any driver is 0.08%. In the State of New Jersey it is a violation for ANY driver to drive with a BAC (blood alcohol content - concentration) of 0.08% and above.
The BAC limit for commercial drivers and operators is 0.04%. It is a violation for commercial vehicle operators to drive with a BAC of 0.04% or above.
The BAC limit for minor (under the age of 21) drivers and operators is 0.01%. It is a violation for persons under 21 years of age to drive with a BAC (blood alcohol content - concentration) of 0.01% or above.
What reasons can an officer make a LEGAL MOTOR VEHICLE STOP?
Police officers can conduct motor vehicle stops, for a number of reasons. Common observations from a law enforcement officer, whether it be a Police Officer, County Officer, or State Trooper, that may lead to being stopped and arrested include:
Making an illegal turn
Improper use of your directional
Improper lane change
Careless driving
Weaving from one side of the road to another
Tailgating, or Driving too close to vehicle in front
Driving without headlights
Driving without a seatbelt
Illegal use of a handheld phone/devise
If the police officer does not conduct a legal motor vehicle stop, all charges must be dismissed. Our DWI attorneys know the limits of the law, and will ensure that illegal stops will not be tolerated.
Another goal of our firm is to save you time and money in court, avoid time in jail and costly surcharges, decrease your insurance rates, and help you keep you license. Christopher J. Grace, Esq., has represented thousands of individuals charged with a variety of Traffic Offenses, including DWI under New Jersey Statute, Title 39.
As a result of our efforts, we will save you time and money in court. We will seek to avoid time in jail and costly surcharges, decrease your insurance rates, and help you keep you license. Christopher J. Grace, Esq., has represented thousands of individuals charged with a variety of Traffic Offenses, including DWI under New Jersey Statute, Title 39. Our DWI attorneys can represent you throughout the entire state of New Jersey, including the Counties of Atlantic, Bergen, Burlington, Monmouth, Ocean, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset, Passaic, Essex, Sussex, Union, and Warren.

New Jersey DMV
At one time or another, most motor vehicle drivers have been stopped by local or state police for a motor vehicle violation. Does this sound familiar? You are driving home from work to pick up your daughter from day care and you did not notice the stop light was yellow/amber as you crossed the intersection. A police cruiser pulls out behind you and then you notice his red and blue emergency lights go on…Uh oh, I am going to get a ticket.
I received a traffic ticket? Now what do I do?
It is important that you understand that all traffic violations can seriously affect your ability to drive, your insurance rates, and your driving record. You have a decision to make. You or an attorney will need to contact the municipal court to advise them of your original plea of guilty or not guilty.
What if I plead guilty?
If you plead guilty as your original plea, you will pay a fine to the court; receive the points specific to the violation; and never get a chance to speak with the municipal prosecutor to possibly negotiate a lesser violation or zero NJ DMV points.
What if I plead not guilty?
If you plead not guilty as your original plea, you will get the opportunity to speak with the municipal prosecutor and arrange a downgrade of your violation. After speaking with the prosecutor, you will have another opportunity to either plead guity to the original or amended charge or plead not guilty. If you choose not guilty, here, then you will go to trial.
What if I accumulate a lot of traffic tickets?
The accumulation of traffic tickets can result in you paying large fines to the court, surcharges to motor vehicle, and even a loss of your driving privileges, if not handled appropriately. The Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC, have represented thousands of clients throughout the State of New Jersey, defending people with virtually all traffic violations from Speeding Tickets to Driving with a Suspended License, to Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). Our Municipal Court and Traffic Violation attorneys can help you too!
At the Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC, our Middlesex County traffic violation lawyers are greatly knowledgeable of the NJ Traffic Code, Title 39 and can often reduce the points associated with your ticket and many times our clients receive ZERO points in court when they are eligible. Below is a list of common moving violations in New Jersey that carry points which our traffic ticket lawyers can typically downgrade when we go to court:
What are the New Jersey violations and their related DMV points?
Violation & Statutes |
Points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-35 Failure to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-36 Failure to yield to pedestrian or passing a vehicle yielding to pedestrian in crosswalk |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-41 Driving through safety zone |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 Driving while Intoxicated |
Suspension; possible jail |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-52 Racing on Highway |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-55 Improper action or omission on grades and curves |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-57 Failure to observe directions of officer |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-66 Failure to stop before crossing sidewalk |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-66.1 Failure to yield to pedestrians or vehicles while entering or leaving highway |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-66.2 Driving on private property to avoid traffic signal or stop sign |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-71 Improper driving on sidewalk |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-80 Failure to obey direction of officer |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-81 Failure to observe traffic signal |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-82 Failure to keep right |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-82.1 Improper operating of vehicle on divided highway or divider |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-83 Failure to keep right at intersection |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-84 Failure to pass right of vehicle proceeding in opposite direction |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-85 Improper passing on right or off roadway |
4 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-85.1 Wrong way on one-way street |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-86 Improper passing, in "No Passing" zone |
4 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-87 Failure to yield to overtaking vehicle |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-88 Failure to observe traffic lanes |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-89 Tailgating |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-90 Failure to yield at intersection |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-90.1 Failure to use proper entrances to limited access highway |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-96 Reckless driving |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-97 Careless driving |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-97a Destruction of agricultural or recreational property |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-97.1 Slow speed blocking traffic |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4.97.2 Unsafe driving (third offense only) |
4 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-98 Speeding– 2 to |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-105 Failure to stop at traffic light |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-115 Improper turn at traffic light |
3 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-119 Failure to stop at flashing red signal |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-122 Failure to stop for police whistle |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-123 Improper right or left turn |
3 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-124 Improper turn: from approved turning course |
3 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-125 Improper u-turn |
3 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-126 Failure to give proper signal |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-127 Improper backing or turn in street |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-127.1 Improper crossing of railroad grade crossing |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-127.2 Improper crossing of bridge |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-128 Improper crossing of railroad grade crossing by certain vehicles |
2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-128.1 Improper passing of school bus |
5 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-128.4 Improper passing of frozen dessert truck |
4 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-129b Leaving scene of accident- No injuries N.J.S.A. 39:4-129c N.J.S.A. 39:4-129d |
2 points 2 points 2 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-129a Leaving scene of accident - Personal Injury |
8 points |
N.J.S.A. 39:4-144 Failure to observe of stop or yield signs |
2 points |
I have a CDL (Commercial Drivers License), how do traffic tickets affect me?
Attention Commercial Drivers!!! As you know, in order to keep your CDL and livelihood; you must maintain a clean driving record and keep your driving privileges in good standing. In most traffic violations, the State of New Jersey has codified punishments that are more severe, than for the average driver without a CDL. It is important that you choose an attorney who has successfully defended CDL drivers. Whether you face a minor traffic violation or a more serious alcohol-related charge, Mr. Grace will author the appropriate defense to address your situation, while keeping in mind the importance of your license to your livelihood.
How will traffic tickets affect my NJ Drivers' License? What if I am an out-of-stater? (i.e. Pennsylvania driver, New York driver)
Whether you are a New Jersey driver or out of state driver, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) tracks your driving behavior by adding points to your record when you are convicted of a Moving Violation in New Jersey. For out of state drivers most traffic violations from New Jersey will be reported to your home state or your driver’s license’s state of origin. It is up to your home state to assess any penalties to your driving record. However, understand the more serious the violation, the more points that may be assessed, which remain on your driving record for a period of time. Up to three points will be reduced from your point total for every year of safe driving (no violations or suspensions), IF you are a NJ licensed driver. But your point total will never be reduced below zero.
Points are subtracted one year after:
your last point violation; or
your license was restored; or
the last time annual safe driving points were reduced from your record; or
After you complete an DMV driver improvement program, offered to problem drivers selected by DMV Credit is given for a maximum of one program every two years.
Some traffic violations have more severe consequences, then just receiving points. Some violations can include fines up to $1,500.00, loss of license, and jail time. At the Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC, oue traffic lawyers regularly handle traffic and municipal court cases. Our clients will benefit from our experience and knowledge of the defenses and strategies we regularly use to obtain optimum results. More serious offenses can typically be downgraded to something much less serious.
Unfortunately, a suspended driver’s license is a punishment that the judge may employ when some of the most severe violations have been performed or the law mandates such penalty. If you have been charged with driving with a suspended license, whether it be because of a court-ordered suspension, or DMV imposed suspension, you could be faced with extended suspensions and even jail time. For example, if you are convicted of driving on the suspended or revoked list on more than one occasion, the court must sentence you to jail for a period of time. The period of incarceration will depend on the number of prior convictions. Enhanced penalties also apply to DWI. Our municipal court lawyers are well-versed in defending against suspensions and can ensure that the best possible result will always be sought.
In some instances, clients receive letters of suspension from the Division of Motor Vehicles due to receiving 12 points or more on their record. Driving while already on an administrative suspensions. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!!! Most of these letters inform a driver that he will be suspended for a finite amount of time, possibly, 30 days; 90 days; or even 360 days. You can challenge this suspension, however, a defense letter to challenge the suspension or mitigate your damages must be sent before the date of suspension indicated on your DMV letter. In addition, the Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC can often stay your suspension until a hearing is concluded. Often suspensions are reduced substantially and when applicable some suspensions are vacated.
The Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC, routinely represents individuals and businesses (CDL employers) charged with motor vehicle violations in Municipal Courts throughout New Jersey. The primary goal is to fight for our clients and get the most favorable outcome for them. Our attorneys will plea bargain with the prosecutor to dismiss violations and/or downgrade a charge to a less serious offense or go to trial; the goal of the Law Offices of Christopher J. Grace, Esq., LLC is to provide professional service and best reasonable outcome to our clients. Moreover, we will save you time and money in court, so you avoid costly surcharges that may be assessed by the NJ DMV for three consecutive years; and decrease your insurance rates.
Christopher J. Grace, Esq., has represented thousands of individuals charged with a variety of Traffic Offenses under New Jersey Statute, Title 39.
Our traffic ticket attorneys can represent you throughout the entire state of New Jersey, including the Counties of Atlantic, Burlington, Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union and Warren.
Contract Disputes,
Small Claims &
Sometimes, there are disagreements between individuals whether it is a contract in dispute, dispute over services or rent. No one ever wants to be involved in civil litigation, but a lawyer will be helpful in order to protect your rights or your interests in the case. Once you are served with the civil complaint, you have a limited time to find representation to challenge it. If you are the complainant of the civil action then there are specific deadlines that you must meet to maintain the civil action.
If you are in this situation, it is understandable that you probably feel overwhelmed, however, there is a solution. If a civil filing is filed against you, do not challenge it alone; it is in your best interest to hire an aggressive and experienced New Jersey litigation attorney.
If you, a friend, or a family member are involved in a civil action, call us today for a free consultation at (732) 491-5573. The Law Firm is experienced in handling civil matters throughout the State of New Jersey.